入試問題で「ひめゆり学徒体験談は退屈」 青学高等部



しかし、かなり政治的オピニオンがにじむ内容です。問題文にはひめゆり語り部の語りが退屈な理由の分析として、"Another problem is that if the speaker's opinion is too strong, it may give a different message." とありますが、この問題文自体オピニオンがトゥーストロングな印象。



しかし、未だメッセージの受け手の側にいる子供たちに対する語りとしては、いかにメッセージを伝えるかじゃなくて、いかにメッセージを受け止めるか、という話をするのがスジなんじゃないでしょうか? どんなに大人が不器用でも、次の時代を生きていくのは子供たち自身なんです。そんなやり方じゃ退屈しちゃうよとか、大人が正しくメッセージを伝えないのが悪いとか、消費者気分で甘えたことを言っても誰も助けてくれないのですから。


なお、入試問題は落合弁護士の日記のコメント欄より。問題の箇所は IV の設問文の後半あたり。この PDF はアウトライン化されてるのかコピペできない。めんどくせー。手でタイプしたので誤字とかあったらごめんなさい。

Then we moved to the Himeyuri Memorial Park. Although we started to forget the cave, we still didn't talk much because we were a little afraid and nervous that we might have to listen to some stories, maybe even more shocking. Yes, the story that the old lady who survived the Himeyuri squad told us was shocking and gave us a great image of the war. But, to tell you the truth, it was boring for me and I got tired of her story. As she spoke more and more, I lost my strong impressions from the cave. I could see that she told the story so many times, on so many occasions, and she became so good at telling it. Her story sounded soeasy, like a bedside story told by a mother to a baby. Ofcourse, some of my friends were moved by it, so I shouldn't say that her story didn't mean anything.

Passing truths and experiences to the next generation is important work. But how? WHat is the best way to do it? Of course the clearest way is with WORDS. The power of words is great. But the problem is how we understand them. If the listener doesn't understand the ideas of the speaker, even a good story becomes jus a list of words. Another problem is that if the speaker's opinion is too strong, it may give a different message. Remember the Asian Soccer Cup held in China last summer? Many Chinese booed Team Japan. Probably most of them heard war stories from their parents and created their own ideas about Japanese. Of course we shouldn't say that the information they got from their parents was wrong, but what exactly did their parents say to them? And how?

As I wrote, we will not be able to listen to firsthand messages about the war someday, but there are some other ways instead. Sometimes you can send the best message without words. When you become a student of Aoyama Gakuin High School, you will visit Nagasaki on your school trip. You will have a chance to listen to the stories of people who experienced the atomic bomb. What message do you think you will get at that time?

追記: また文句ばっかり言ってしまった…


  • メッセージの背後にあるオピニオンを見抜いた上で、
  • それに振り回されない

という方向で頑張るしかないかと。具体的にどうすればってとこまではわかりませんが。振り回されないというのは、単にメッセージを鵜呑みにして踊らされるな、というだけじゃないです。「あれはああいう意図だから、言ってる事も全部ウソだ!」的な短絡的な反発もやめろ、ということ。それも結局は他人の意図に裏返しで振り回されてるわけで。[id:rna:20050210#p2] に書いたオウム信者の話なんかがまさにそう。